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Shari-Anne Hamil

May 17, 2021

NAME: Shari-Anne Hamil

JOB TITLE/POSITION: Corporate Planner

DIVISION/DEPARTMENT/UNIT: Policy, Planning & Development Division – Planning & Evaluation Branch

WHAT IS YOUR CORE FUNCTION: To guide and ensure the development of the Ministry’s Corporate and Operational Plans, and to monitor the implementation as well as the evaluation of performance against targets of functional units towards achieving the Ministry’s strategic objectives.

MY VISION FOR THE MINISTRY OF HEALTH & WELLNESS IS: for the Ministry to become a performance-driven organization that demonstrates through professionalism, evidence-based decision-making, accountability, transparency and a client-focussed approach that the  resources of the people of Jamaica are being utilized efficiently and effectively to improve the health status of all persons resident within our island.

What does being a Change Champion mean to me?

It’s an awesome feeling to be a part of the PMAS catalyst within the Ministry that will have each person regardless of their job level seeing how they connect to the Ministry’s goals and how they play a part in achieving the goals of the Ministry.