Yohan Ricketts
June 22, 2021
NAME: Yohan Ricketts
JOB TITLE/POSITION: Assistant Director Personnel
DIVISION/DEPARTMENT/UNIT: Cooperate Services Division/Human Resource Management & Development
WHAT IS YOUR CORE FUNCTION: As the Assistant Director of Personnel I provide human resource expertise support to the Ministry. Currently I am among the team of HR practitioners who are responsible for the recruitment, selection and orientation of new employees. In addition, I provide support for the coordination of the Human Resource Executive Management Committee and the Human Resource Committee, which are the committees that approve all staffing arrangement. The HRM&D Branch operates on an open door policy, as a member of the team I embody this in my operation as we seek to put back the “HEART in HR”
My vision for the Ministry of Health and Wellness is that this will be the premiere government organization, where employees have confidence in the governance mechanism that have been established. This incorporates all human resource management practices. It is hoped that equity, accountability, honesty and transparency will guide our decisions, as together we unite to make “healthy people, healthy environment” a reality.
What does being a Change Champion mean to me?
Being a change agent means that I would have gained an appreciation of the current situation and identify with the need for there to be a transformation. As such, I am dedicated to co-lead the charge for that change. One must be mindful that by way of human nature change will generate some sentiments of resistance. With this in mind being a Change Champion requires that I am cognizant of the possible resistance and I’m willing to apply the necessary techniques of persuasion to encourage full participation. My vision of being a change Champion can be summarized in the phrase “be the change that I want to see.”