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Two additional monkeypox cases confirmed

Sept. 2, 2022


  • Total cases now seven


KINGSTON, Jamaica. Friday, September 2, 2022: Two additional Monkeypox cases have been confirmed for Jamaica in the last 24 hours. This brings the island’s total confirmed cases to seven. 

The two latest cases are classified as locally transmitted in two males from Kingston & St. Andrew.

These locally acquired cases mean that the patients had no recent travel history and have no confirmed link to the previously announced cases.


Both patients are in stable condition with one isolated at home and the other in hospital. Additionally, the Health Department has commenced contact tracing associated with both cases.   


The spread of Monkeypox may occur when a person comes into close contact with an infected individual. Person-to-person spread may occur through:

  • direct contact with Monkeypox skin lesions or scabs, including:
    • sexual contact
    • close personal contact
  • contact with contaminated personal items such as clothing, bed linen or towels used by an infected person; and
  • respiratory droplets by way of coughing or sneezing of an individual with a Monkeypox rash.

Symptoms of Monkeypox are usually mild to moderate and include fever, intense headache, swelling of the lymph nodes, back pain, muscle ache, and/or rash on the skin. Members of the public who experience these warning signs must immediately isolate and call ahead to their health centre or doctor before visiting.

Monkeypox Vaccines

At the same time, the Ministry has commenced procurement of Monkeypox vaccines. The initial tranches will be administered on a priority basis to healthcare workers involved in direct care of monkeypox patients and without the appropriate PPE, adult household contacts, and sexual partners of a confirmed case. Vaccination is not at this time recommended for the general population.