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Three More Deaths, 120 New Cases

Aug. 25, 2020

KINGSTON, Jamaica. Tuesday, August 25, 2020: Regrettably in the last 24 hours, Jamaica recorded three COVID-19-related deaths.


The deceased are a 76 year old female from St. Catherine; an 89 year old female from Kingston & St. Andrew and a 70 year old male from Kingston & St. Andrew. The total deaths from COVID-19 now stands at19.


At the same time, the country recorded 120 new confirmed COVID-19 cases. These bring the total cases on record for the island to 1,732. Today, recoveries increased by 21, bringing total recoveries to 840 (45.5% recovery rate).


Of the newly confirmed cases, 61 are males and 59 are females, with ages ranging from two to 91 years. The cases were recorded in St. Catherine (72), Kingston & St. Andrew (23), Portland (15), St. Thomas (5), Clarendon (1), Trelawny (1), St. Ann (2) and St Mary (1). Two cases are contacts of confirmed cases while 118 are currently under investigation.


Five moderately ill patients and three critically ill patients are among the 801 (46.2%) active cases now under observation in Jamaica. Seventy-one (71) of the cases recorded on the island have returned to their countries of origin. 


Some 29,560 persons of interest are quarantined at home while18 remain in quarantine at a government facility.


Jamaica now has 441 imported cases; 497 cases that are contacts of confirmed cases; 154 local transmission cases not epidemiologically linked; 236 related to the workplace cluster in St. Catherine and 404 are under investigation.


Some 943 (54%) of all confirmed cases are females and 789 (46%) are males. The ages of all confirmed cases range from 2 months to 92 years.


Warning Against Public Gatherings

The Ministry of Health & Wellness is again warning members of the public to avoid gatherings, including attending parties and special events, as it notes several of the recent cases are linked to public gatherings. In a recent investigation, it was uncovered that from a single party held in Portland, 14 confirmed cases have arisen.

The Ministry implores everyone to continue to keenly observe the infection prevention and control measures to guard against the spread of COVID-19. These measures include maintain a 6ft physical distance from others, frequently washing hands with soap and water, or a hand sanitizer and always wearing a mask in public.