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No vaccination deaths in Jamaica

Oct. 4, 2021

KINGSTON, Jamaica. Friday, October 1, 2021. There have been no deaths due to vaccinations against COVID-19 in Jamaica, in the six months that the island has been administering doses.

As reported by Dr. Melody Ennis, Director of Family Health Services, in the Ministry of Health & Wellness’ COVID Conversation and press conference on Thursday (September 30, 2021), eleven (11) persons have died after being vaccinated.

However, nine (9) of those cases were found to be due to other causes, making their vaccination coincidental. The other two deaths have been classified as indeterminate temporal, which means that while they occurred after the persons were vaccinated, there is no established link to their vaccination.

The Ministry continues to encourage Jamaicans to get vaccinated to prevent serious illness, hospitalisation and/or death associated with COVID-19. There are currently two vaccines in country: the two-dose AstraZeneca and the single-dose Johnson and Johnson. Both vaccines provide protection against the deadly COVID-19.

Up to 1:00 pm today, the island had administered 787,602 doses of vaccines. Of that number, 507,832 were first doses, 250,579 were second doses and 29,191 were single doses.