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Jamaicans urged to get 2nd dose of COVID-19 vaccines

Sept. 10, 2021

KINGSTON, Jamaica. Friday, September 10, 2021: The Ministry of Health and Wellness is reminding the more than 130,000 Jamaicans who will be due a second dose of a COVID-19 vaccine over the next three weeks to visit a vaccination site for their jab.

The reminder comes as the Ministry moves to realise a 65% vaccination target for the population by March 2022.

The Pfizer or AstraZeneca vaccines are two-dose vaccines. Persons who received a first dose of either vaccine must ensure that they also receive a second dose.

Some 49,076 persons will be due their second dose between September 13 and 19, with another 45,733 due the following week (September 20 - 26) and some 42,946 a week later (September 27 - Oct 3).

Receiving two doses of the Pfizer or AstraZeneca vaccine enables the individual to receive the maximum benefits from their vaccination, notably a reduction in the chance of severe illness, hospitalisation and/or death.

The Ministry is also encouraging members of the public to remain vigilant in their adherence to infection prevention and control measures, namely mask wearing; maintaining a physical distance from others; and frequently washing and/or sanitising hands.

On Thursday, September 9, Jamaica recorded 638 new COVID-19 infections and confirmed 8 deaths. The new cases moved the total number of infections to 74,645 since the first case was recorded last year while the death toll climbed to 1,693.

Up to 11:00 am today (Sept. 10), Jamaica had administered some 613,962 doses of COVID-19 vaccines. Of that number, 460,083 were first doses, 141,518 were second doses and 12,361 were single doses.