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Jamaicans urged to get 2nd dose of AstraZeneca vaccine

Sept. 21, 2021

KINGSTON, Jamaica. Monday, September 20, 2021: The Ministry of Health and Wellness is reminding the more than 50,000 Jamaicans now or who will shortly be due their second dose of the AstraZeneca vaccine to visit a vaccination site for their jab.

The reminder comes as the Ministry moves to realise a 65% vaccination target for the population by March 2022.

The AstraZeneca vaccine is a two-dose vaccine. Persons who received a first dose of the vaccine must ensure that they also receive a second dose. Receiving two doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine enables the individual to receive the maximum benefits from their vaccination, notably a reduction in the chance of severe illness, hospitalisation and/or death associated with COVID-19.

The Ministry is also encouraging members of the public to remain vigilant in their adherence to infection prevention and control measures, namely mask wearing; maintaining a physical distance from others; and frequently washing and/or sanitising hands.

On Sunday, September 19, Jamaica recorded 733 new COVID-19 infections and confirmed three (3) deaths. The new cases moved the total number of infections to 80,406 since the first case was recorded last year while the death toll climbed to 1,794.

Up to 5:00 pm today (Sept. 20), Jamaica had administered some 709,444 doses of COVID-19 vaccines. Of that number, 490,953 were first doses, 196,216 were second doses and 22,275 were single doses.