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Four Myths and Facts on Human Trafficking:

July 29, 2019

Five Myths and Facts on Human Trafficking: 

1.    Myth: It is always or usually a violent crime
Fact: The most wide- spread myth about human trafficking is that it always or often involves kidnapping or otherwise physically forcing someone into a situation. In reality, most human traffickers use psychological means such as tricking, defrauding, manipulating or threatening victims into providing commercial sex or exploitative labour.

2.    Myth: All human trafficking involves commercial sex
Fact: Human trafficking is the use of force, fraud or coercion to get another person to provide lobour or commercial sex. Worldwide, experts believe there are more situations of labour trafficking than sex trafficking. Of interest is the fact that more people are aware of sex trafficking than labour trafficking.

3.    Myth: Only women and girls can be victims and survivors of sex trafficking
Fact: One study estimates that as many as half of sex trafficking victims and survivors are males. Advocates believe that percentage may be even higher but that male victims are far less likely to be identified. LGBTQ boys and young men are seen as particularly vulnerable to trafficking.

4.    Myth: Human trafficking only happens in illegal or underground industries
Fact: Human trafficking cases have been reported in industries including restaurants, cleaning services, construction, factories and other industries.

5.    Myth: Human trafficking and human smuggling is the same
Fact: Trafficking is an exploitation-based offense against a person and does not require movement across borders or any type of transportation. Smuggling is transportation-based and involves movement. The key distinction between smuggling and trafficking in persons is freedom of choice.

Global Anti-Tip Week