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Call for Abstract: Annual National Health Research Conference

Aug. 20, 2020

The Ministry of Health & Wellness Annual National Health Research Conference is scheduled to be held virtually November 19-20, 2020. The theme for this year's event is The COVID-19 Experience: Adjusting to the New Normal, and the Conference will feature abstracts on (i) mental health during COVID-19, (ii) occupational health and safety, (iii) health innovations, and (iv) maternal health.

Please note that abstracts of high quality research that do not fall under the themes above, will also be accepted. 

Abstracts will be accepted by online submissions only.

Submissions are to be e-mailed to and carbon copied (CC’d) to by no later than 4 pm on Wednesday, September 30, 2020. Attachments should not exceed 10 MB.


Call for Abstracts Summary:

  • Abstracts submitted should represent original research; that is, the abstract should not have been presented or published as an abstract or a full journal paper prior to the National Health Research Conference.
  • Authors of research papers involving human or animals must submit copies of the relevant ethical approval letters.
  • A cover letter must be submitted with the abstract  to  indicate  that  all authors have agreed to the submission, and give their permission for the abstract  to  be  published  in  the  National  Health  Research  Conference booklet. The cover letter should also indicate whether the authors have any conflicts of interest or financial incentive from the research presented in the abstract.
  • The author should indicate in the cover letter whether the research is in partial fulfillment of an undergraduate or post-graduate degree in order to be eligible for the prize for best student presentation.
  • The corresponding author, along with his/her email address should be indicated. ALL correspondence will be with the corresponding author through the email address submitted.
  • Abstracts should be no more than 250 words and should be organized as aims/objectives, methods, results, and conclusion. The conclusion must answer the objectives, and be in line with the results presented.
  • The document should be organized with the title at the top along with the name(s) of all authors and the institutions to which they are affiliated (not positions).  It will be assumed that the first author listed will be the presenting author; if this is not the case, then the presenting author should be indicated.
  • There should be no tables, figures, pictures, graphs etc. in the abstract.
  • The abstract must be properly constructed and grammatically correct.
  • A word count must be included at the end of the document. The word count should be exclusive of the title, authors and their affiliations.

We thank you for your continued participation and support of the National Health Research Conference.


The National Health Research Conference Planning Secretariat 2020
Ministry of Health & Wellness
24-26 Grenada Crescent, Kingston 5

Email: /
Tel: 876-633-8157