Business in Jamaica Continues within COVID-19 Parameters
March 22, 2020
KINGSTON, Jamaica. March 21, 2020: Amidst false information circulating via social media, business in Jamaica continues, within the parameters outlined and there is no planned shutdown of the country.
As previously announced, both the public and private sectors have been encouraged to examine their operations and decide which elements can be done from home. Businesses are also implored to reduce public engagement. However, businesses that offer retail services for the provision of food, medicine and other necessities of life, including supermarkets, pharmacies and markets are to remain open.
Additionally, Ministries, Agencies and Departments of Government, Tax Administration Jamaica, Bank of Jamaica, Jamaica Customs Agency and Banking Businesses, as defined by the Banking Services Act are to remain open.
Companies that have services related to loading and unloading of ships and those related to oil-refinery – distribution, loading and transportation also have permission to continue their operations.
While restaurants are to remain open, only take out is encouraged and public markets should observe a window of 6:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. for opening. Hospitals will curtail services, and Infirmaries and Nursing Homes will not permit any new admissions and visitors are restricted.
The Prime Minister will, on Monday, March 23, update the country on any further decisions as it relates to the announced seven-day scale down of public operations.