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Blood collection centre opens in Spanish Town

June 15, 2022


KINGSTON, Jamaica. Tuesday, June 14, 2022: State Minister of Health and Wellness, the Hon. Juliet Cuthbert-Flynn today commissioned the opening of the island’s newest blood collection centre in Spanish Town. The facility, housed at the Spanish Town Hospital, comes as the National Blood Transfusion Service seeks to fulfill at least 75% of all blood requests on the island.

Speaking at the ribbon-cutting ceremony today, Minister Flynn underscored the critical role that blood donation plays in the national system.

“Blood is life-saving medicine for which there is no substitute, and voluntary, unpaid donors the beating heart of the national health system. Regular, voluntary blood donation is necessary for the maintenance of adequate blood supplies and the timely access to safe blood for transfusions,” the Minister emphasised.

Data from the National Blood Transfusion Service shows that in April 2020, 55% of all blood requests made by hospitals were being met, with people aged 20 to 40 identified as the main donors.

The new facility is expected to provide residents of St. Catherine, one of Jamaica’s largest parishes, with better access to a blood donation site.

June 14 is observed as World Blood Donor Day to raise global awareness of the need for safe blood and blood products for transfusion. To donate blood, members of the public may visit any of the blood collection centres listed at