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Blood Bank eyes young donors

March 30, 2023


KINGSTON, Jamaica. Thursday, March 30, 2023: In a bid to expand the island’s voluntary blood donor programme, the National Blood Transfusion Service, an entity of the Ministry of Health and Wellness, has embarked upon a blood drive programme for schools.  

The programme’s current focus among students 17 years and older across secondary and tertiary institutions, runs from March 22 to April 20, 2023. The special emphasis to increase voluntary blood donations comes as the island seeks to safeguard the availability of blood and blood products to the population.

The National Blood Transfusion Service aims to supply at least 75% of all blood requested on the island.      

As part of its response to give patients access to safe blood and blood products, the Blood Bank in 2022 opened to the public its newest blood collection centre at the Spanish Town Hospital. This brings to 11, the total number of blood collection centres in operation islandwide.      

Blood and blood products are essential resources for:

  • Victims of trauma, emergencies, disasters and accidents;
  • Children suffering from severe anaemia;
  • Patients with blood and bone marrow disorders e.g. sickle cell disease;
  • Patients with inherited disorders of haemoglobin and immune deficiency conditions;

Additionally, blood transfusions are also important for patients undergoing advanced medical and surgical procedures.


To give blood, persons must be ages 17 to 60 years and in good health, with a body weight of more than 110 pounds.


